Monday, June 3, 2013

Slow Food, Slow Healing & the Earth Market

Puerto Rico… where shopping and health go hand in hand!

Coconut juice for the soul
Coconuts, bananas, passion fruit, citrus fruit. Peppers, tomatoes, avocados, breadfruit, bread and coffee. In Old San Juan (Puerto Rico), the Mercado Agricola Natural is a feast to the scents, brilliant colors and amazing tastes. It only hosts producers from the island and is always on the move.

Every Saturday morning, it comes to life with 20 producers and the help of the Slow Food Boricua Convivium, which has always paid great attention to health and the relationship between food and natural lifestyles (some of the stalls are dedicated to home cooked food and sell vegetarian dishes made with the market organic ingredients). The whole month of March is devoted to these topics. Healthy food, food education for children and adults, the fight against GMOs, the importance of health and a correct diet are the motivation of the four events at the Old San Juan Earth Market.

The first is on Saturday March 2 (from 11 am to 1 pm) with Rebecca Méndez del Valle (better known as Chef Rebecca, a Puerto Rican cook who focuses on vegetarian food and currently manages Afrodita, a catering and personal chef business) and Elizama Montalvo (convivium leader and medical and integrative family doctor for 30 years, with expert in plant base nutrition and homeopathy). Together, they will explain tourists and market regulars that feeding children with top quality, alternative products is possible.
Raw milk cheese and the consumption of raw food are the focus of the second meeting, on Saturday March 9. Producer Wanda Otero will explain her world famous cheese products, while Laura Cortes, vegetarian chef, will give some easy and fun tips on how to eat raw products and prepare them. Also, coffee producer Elena Biamon and Elizama Montalvo will explain how local food can help prevent cancer.
It all continues on Saturday March 16 when the issues discussed with Marisol Mc Manus and Veronica Rodriguez will explore Puerto Rican and Asian herbs and the correct approach to eating. Elizama Montalvo explains the health risks of GMO products. And Saturday March 23, Dalma Cartagena; a local ecologist teacher and an expert on vegetable gardens for children; will demonstrate how to prepare an organic garden.

March also sees the launch of the new campaign of the Slow Food Boricua Convivium: Slow Healing. Slow Food Boricua has always placed great emphasis on taste education - wants to keep raising awareness amongst the island citizens on the importance of food for our lifestyle, the environment and communities. Meetings, workshops and debates are an opportunity to explain that eating slowly and taking the right time to enjoy meals help our health and promote socialization, and that sharing convivial times is good for the spirit.

The Slow Food Boricua Convivium is certainly one of the most active in the Caribbean in terms of activities organized in Puerto Rico and internationally. In 2011, it funded the creation of the Degwariri community garden in Somalia for the Thousand Gardens in Africa project. In 2013 and 2014, thanks to the activity of Slow Food Boricua members, they are working to raise funds to send Dalma Cartagena and a young student to the next edition of Salone del Gusto and Terra Madre; in Italy.
Follow the activities of the Old San Juan Earth Market!

If you want to know more:
Laura Daen
Member of the Slow Food Boricua Convivium

Elizama Montalvo, M.D.
Member of Slow Food Boricua Convivium

When and where?
Every Saturday
Internal courtyard of the Arts and History Museum
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico

Websites to help your daily lifestyle             

Who are the supporters of Slow Healing?


What are the goals of Slow Healing?

The goals of the Slow Healing campaign is very simple, assist those who are open to wake up their inner healers, develop a keen awareness of the senses ( touch, smell, movement, taste and sound) and connect  to our ancestral wisdom. We want to uphold the true nature of holistic and collaborate with the arts, science, organic culinary & agriculture, and medicine.... to live a mindful lifestyle.

What are the values of Slow Healing?

The values of Slow Healing was based on ancient cultures, which believed that the 5 Seasons, Taste or Elements ( Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water) govern the physical, emotional, and spiritual existence of human beings just as they cycles of growth and change in the external world. They learned how to balance these energies, regulate their flow, and create health and harmony in their life. Each of the 5 Elements has a unique nature and spirit, and the Slow Healing campaign will uphold the essence of these elements. Find your element to free yourself!!

The forceful energy of WOOD is like the greening stem of spring, driven by the need to stay in motion and reach to new heights, yet firmly grounded by a sense of self and "home"- the place where we fit and belong. Our roots are driven deep; our potential is unlimited. Wood spirit excel in planning, decisions, and actions. Hopeful, visionary, justice, proactive,flexibility, and respect; all shine the  WOOD power.

The radiant energy of the FIRE is the force that generates passion, compassion, and creativity. If we are energized by Fire, we are filled with enthusiasm and a blazing love of life. We draw others to us, as the flame draws the moth, and you thrive on collaboration. Fire spirit empowers love to reach out and be in relationship with all people. Fire energy enjoys to laugh, humility, and commitment.

The power of EARTH is captured in the image of a garden: fertile, nourishing, solid, yet forgiving, the power of Earth is strongest in the late summer and early fall-harvest time. Energized by the power of Earth, we are thriving on harmonious  and grounding relationships. A sense of kinship and connectedness to others is essential to Earth well being. Earth power has the ability to nourish like a mother can nourish a child. Thus food , community devotion and understanding are important keys in balancing the Earth energy.

The power of METAL is symbolized by our reaching toward the heavens, yet firmly grounded in the earth. Metal energy as a symbol of inner strength, endurance, and tranquility. Energized by Metal, we are disciplined and precise, strong-willed yet willing and able to adapt to changing circumstances. Drawn to the core issues of life and the higher truths of art and philosophy, we seek to develop our character by devoting our attention to ethics, morality, and the acquisition of knowledge. Metal power search for what is pure and spiritual and set the highest standards for ourselves and others, respect is important.

The power of WATER changes shape effortlessly and yet never loses its essential character. Water energizes us, and are dependable, infinitely resourceful, and single-minded in pursuit of our goals. Difficult or demanding situations do not cause us to hesitate or retreat, for we have a firm, unshakable sense of self, and we follow the path with strength, purpose, and determination. Water power has a persistence and determination and will often excel in situations that others find too scary.

What is the vision & mission of Slow Healing?

The vision of Slow Healing is to create an alliance of individuals and organizations that inspire & facilitate an ecological healing process.

Una alianza de individuos y organizaciones que inspiran y facilitan la curación ecológica process.An alianza de individuos y organizaciones que inspiran y facilitan el proceso de curación ecológica.

Our mission is to raise awareness of the impact our individual and collective actions have on our environment and on all living things.

Nuestra misión es promover consciencia sobre el impacto de nuestras acciones individuales y colectivas en nuestro medio ambiente y en todos los seres vivientes.

What is Slow Healing?

¿Qué es Sanación lenta?

En los últimos cinco años, Slow Food Boricua ( http://slowfoodboricua.blogspot.comha promovido la educación en torno al impacto que tiene tomar decisiones saludables a favor de nuestro cuerpo, mente y alma, al elegir alimentos más sanos, limpios y justos ("fair foods") en la comunidad puertorriqueña.  Sanación lenta es una campaña de Slow Food Boricua, avalada por Slow Food Internacional ( ).  Buscamos desarrollar y promover la educación sobre los beneficios que obtenemos cuando escogemos participar de un estilo de vida tranquilo (lento), armónico y en especial, íntegro a una manera de pensar amorosa con nosotros y el medio ambiente en el cual co-habitamos.

Tenemos como objetivo, compartir con la comunidad, formas alternas e innovadoras para aprender a expresar la vida que somos de manera esplendorosa.  Además, pretendemos abrazar a los involucrados en nuestros diferentes ámbitos profesionales y trabajar en conjunto con temas relacionados al bienestar.

Entonces, ¿qué es la sanación lenta?  No hay una respuesta única y definitiva que lo defina.  Para nosotros se trata de vivir nuestra vida, conscientes de cada elección que hacemos, a sabiendas de que todas y cada una de nuestras decisiones impacta, no sólo nuestras vidas, sino también a nuestras familias, amistades, nuestro medio ambiente y nuestras comunidades.  Hacer propio este pensamiento es muy poderoso.  ¡Todos tenemos nuestro rol!

La sanación es el proceso de cambiar la conciencia de la mente y dirigir nuestro cuerpo, emociones y sentimientos hacia la manifestación de un ser humano íntegro y que exprese la naturaleza del orden de vida equilibrada y en completo bienestar.  Sanación lenta se refiere al proceso de crear conscientemente ese balance en todos los niveles del sistema interno, y que éste balance se pueda expresar en relación con el exterior.

Por medio de la intervención de recursos apasionados en sus áreas de especialización, nuestra campaña,    Sanación lenta, ayudará al individuo a estructurar metas en torno a la auto-conciencia, el pensamiento creativo, su significado personal y el impacto en su comunidad.  La misión de Slow Food Internacional está basada en estos mismos principios, sin embargo, en Sanación lenta seremos enfáticos en el valor de la alimentación, el estilo de vida y las opciones saludables.

En Sanación lenta ofreceremos charlas, visitas y clases.  Brindaremos también demostraciones de comida, meditaciones, danzas y técnicas de respiración, entre otras prácticas.  Involucraremos a las comunidades para juntos lograr que nuestro movimiento crezca a favor del bienestar colectivo.

¡Este es un gran momento!  ¡Únete a nosotros!

What is Slow Healing?

In the past five years, the mission of Slow Food Boricua (http://slowfoodboricua.blogspot.comhas been educating Puerto Ricans on the importance of growing and healthy food choices, clean and fair, and the great impact that the decisions about what we eat and drink has on our body , mind and spirit. Slow Healing is a campaign that Slow Food Boricua has developed with the mission to educate people about the benefits of learning to "slow down" our daily lives, to participate in activities that promote total wellness. Our goal is to teach innovative ways to engage the community to experience a better way of life, embracing professionals from different fields, and work together on health-related topics.

The Beauty of Slow Healing concept is that there is no single, definitive answer to define it. For us it is about living our lives aware of every choice we make - knowing that each and every one of the choices we make affect not only our lives but also that of our family, friends, environment and community. Understanding this thinking is very powerful. We all have our roles!

Healing is the process of moving the mind, body, emotions and behavior towards the direction to make us feel more complete. Slow Healing refers to the process of creating this internal balance and finding balance in relation to the outside .

This campaign will help individual goal structure involving self awareness and creative thinking, have a personal meaning but that are made ​​at the community level. Each of us liveth passionate about our area of expertise and we are all excited to share our vision and global knowledge. The mission of Slow Food is based on these principles, but Slow Healing will highlight the value of healthy eating and lifestyle choices. We will be offering lectures, tours, classes, food demonstrations, meditations, dances and breathing techniques. We want to involve the community, is integrated for the movement to grow. This is the time. Join us and communities involved.!